It is possible to add funds to your account to be used as credit for future invoices. Please note that these funds will only apply to invoices generated in the future. If there is an invoice on your account already, adding a fund to your account will not automatically apply against this invoice. You would need to manually get in contact with our Billing Dept. to manually apply this.

To add funds to your Netcetera account, please see the following steps:

  • Log in to your Netcetera Client Area and click on Billing > Add Funds
  • Fill out this short form by entering the funds amount and selecting the payment method. Click Add Funds
  • This will generate an invoice on your account. Process payment on this invoice using your chosen payment method to add the funds to your account
If you wish to make payment on an existing invoice, adding funds to your account is not the correct way to do this. Instead, you will need to click on Billing > My Invoices. Select the invoice and then Pay Now.

If you require further information/assistance on this, please submit a ticket and a member of the team will be happy to assist further.


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