To create an FTP account, follow these steps:
1. Log in to Plesk. 
If you do not know how to log in to your Plesk account, please see this article.
2. In the left sidebar, click Websites & Domains:
3. Locate the domain for which you want to add an account, and then click FTP Access:


4. On the FTP Accounts page, click Add an FTP Account:

3f67cd83cabbbed5af02cbe79ea11d7eb9039f07?t=31f56bb7190820a30c1694fa9d435411 5. On the Add an Additional FTP Account page, under General, in the FTP account name text box, type a username for the account:

1d5724f25684fd344b40bedbecd8a8c7fc349f98?t=cae4b4eeefc6dd96e1fdfe3b67cc6d93 6. In the Home directory text box, type the root (home) directory for the user. Alternatively, click the folder (which shown as below) , and then select the directory.
d9b8f4a215ee001eb397977a23e382b76f5fd46a?t=d5a5fc58e25cd128cbb9e0d94c053795 7. In the New password text box, type the account password.
8. In the Confirm password text box, retype the account password.
9. Click OK. Plesk creates the account.


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