Please follow the steps to add new email account in the cPanel.

1. Login into cPanel.
2. Click on the 'Email accounts' under the 'Email' section.
3. Fill in the information.
  • Username - Name for the email account.
  • Domain - Domain name under which you wish to add email account.
  • Password - The password for the email account.
  • Storage space - You can set a storage space for the email account or set it on 'Unlimited'.

4. After adding the details, click on 'Create'. Your email account will be created.

Accessing cPanel webmail

You can access your webmail via cPanel. Go to “Email” section and press on “Email Accounts“. Then select your email account and press on the link “CHECK EMAIL“.

You can access the webmail using your domain name. Example:

On this page you need to enter your email account name and password.



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