It is not possible to change the Legal Registrant of a .uk domain name via your
client area, the change must be done via Nominet.
You can do this via your online Nominet account - please go to (Nominet make a charge for changing the registrant name of £10.00 + VAT)
Log into your Nominet account and select the
Registrant Transfer tab, located under
Your Domains tab. You will then be able to select the domain name(s) you wish to transfer. You will be asked to confirm the new registrant’s email address and who will be paying the transfer fee.
When you have completed these details confirmation will be sent to the new registrant. The new registrant will then have 5 days in which to agree to the transfer. If after this time the transfer has not been agreed, Nominet will issue a refund and you will need to start the process again if you still require the registrant transfer.
If the new registrant accepts the transfer, you will receive an email confirmation when they have completed the process.